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Can a Concrete Driveway be Resurfaced?

Is your concrete cracking or lifting in some areas? Maybe you can see its color has changed throughout the years. Was a large object dropped on the surface, and there are evident damaged parts of the space? Resurfacing your driveway can be right for you. If you plan to improve your concrete driveway, think about resurfacing it. Resurfacing is a great way to make your driveway look new again, and you do not have to remove anything. You can put a coating right on the surface of the concrete in Plano. This might save time, effort, and money in the long run.

Can You Easily Resurface a Concrete Driveway in Plano?

Concrete driveway resurfacing or restoration is a time-consuming procedure requiring appropriate equipment and materials.

Below are the three basic steps involved in resurfacing.

  1. If you have any cracks on your concrete surface, you can fix them using a sealer or filler.
  2. To prepare the surface, clean it of any dirt, oil, or other debris. To clean the dirt and grime off the concrete, use a pressure washer. Make sure the surface is immaculate before applying your concrete coating.
  3. Before you apply the overlay, prepare the surface. It’s worth noting that you’ll need to completely clean and dry the concrete before applying an epoxy resin overlay.
  4. You will need to mix the materials. This includes the overlay components and any grit additives or color dyes you may want to use.
  5. Using a trowel, distribute the mixed overlay over the space. Allow it to dry. The concrete coating usually takes 24 hours to harden after application, but always check the product label since this might vary.
  6. Apply a sealant to your driveway after a certain amount of time has passed. This will protect your driveway and keep it in good condition. Can I resurface my concrete driveway myself?

It is possible to resurface your concrete driveway yourself in Plano, but it is not simple. If you do not apply the coating correctly, you might have problems like chipping and bubbling.

Here are four typical mistakes or dilemmas when attempting to resurface your driveway the first time:

  1. Rain, humidity, extreme heat, and cold will all impact the quality of your resurfacing project.
  2. If your surface isn’t properly cleaned, the concrete covering won’t stick as well.
  3. There may be areas on your vehicle’s paint where a contractor did not apply the products evenly. If you don’t have the right equipment or work quickly enough, you might get patches that don’t look the same as the rest of your surface.

It is an excellent idea to employ a professional Plano concrete resurfacing contractor if possible. If you want to save money and do it yourself, be sure to study youtube videos online or read specific instructions that come included with your purchase.

Are you able to resurface a highly damaged driveway?

Driveways that have been severely damaged should not be resurfaced. A concrete coating will not survive on a surface that is not stable. Suppose your current concrete slab has large cracks, deep fissures, or severely uneven portions. In that case, it may be time to demolish and begin again. It’s critical to engage the services of a professional concrete contractor.

Your Plano driveway is probably repairable if you have minor damage, such as tiny cracks or slight chipping near expansion joints. It would help get a professional expert to examine the damage and determine whether resurfacing is required.

What is the average price to resurface a concrete driveway?

A concrete driveway resurfacing cost ranges from $5-$25 per square foot. Your specific price for your project will vary based on a few things. If your slab is in horrible condition, bringing it up to par will cost more. This is another potential cost if you want a textured surface to add traction. Lastly, if you are playing with the idea of a new color or unique design, these will all have costs included.

What type of coating liquid should I use?

You need to pick a coating that will protect the surface for a long time. The surface needs to take a lot of wear and tear, like when cars drive on it, and people walk on it. But you also want the coating to be easy to maintain and look nice.

Different coating products will have more benefits than others. An essential aspect to many homeowners who buy concrete coating these days is how easy they are to put on and the speed of curing and drying. Some products resist abrasion, and some have higher quality dyes and color additives.

Can I use epoxy staining on my driveway?

If you’re thinking about putting down an epoxy driveway, it’s most likely because you’ve heard how long they last. While epoxy floors are fantastic for indoor applications like garages, they aren’t as popular for outdoor driveways due to various factors.

Epoxy coatings need more time to dry than concrete coatings. This can be a problem because it is hard to keep dust and other things from getting on your driveway while it dries. If it rains while the epoxy is drying, the rain could make the driveway look bad. When the weather is wet, the adhesive on epoxy coatings can lose its grip. This means that it is not a good idea to apply an epoxy coating to a driveway since it is impossible to do so in a controlled and covered environment. UV rays can cause the epoxy to turn yellow over time. If your driveway is not hidden from the sun, the UV rays will negatively impact you over time.

How else can I update my driveway?

If resurfacing isn’t quite what you need, you can use techniques to restore your driveway in Plano. You can make your driveway look new again by giving it a deep clean. This includes power washing it and then scrubbing the surface with a concrete cleaner meant for that surface. If your driveway has some damage, like cracks or small chips, fix them up, so it looks nicer. You can update the look of your driveway by staining the concrete. This is a process where you put a color on the driveway’s surface.